
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Cars 3: J.D. McPillar

Hey everyone! I'm back once again this week with another quick look at one of the latest Cars 3 1:55 scale diecasts from Mattel...J.D. McPillar, the next-gen Tow Cap sponsored racer (No. 4)! This single was just released as part of one of the first cases of 2021, but the character was originally available as part of a rare 2018 Target exclusive "Next-Gen" Racers 4-Pack (which also included Barry DePedal, Steve "Slick" LaPage and Flip Dover). I'm glad he finally ended up getting a single release since I never found that 4-Pack!

As shown in the screen shot above, J.D. can be seen up close and personal during the film's climatic Florida 500 race. He replaces the Tow Cap sponsored racer [stock car] Jack DePost.

I've honestly lost track of how many next-gen racers there are, how many I still need to purchase and how many still need to be made. It's not a bad thing, but I feel like these releases have been going on for forever—just when I think I have them all, another one comes out! Out of curiosity, I definitely need to assess my collection of next-gens and see where I'm at.

I just found this one at Target today, so be sure to check your nearest store if you're still looking to add this one to your collection! If you'd rather simply purchase him online, keep your eyes peeled on Amazon or eBay using this direct link

Best of luck on the hunt! Let me know if you have any questions.

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