Collector's Collections

Enough about my Pixar collection, I wanna see yours! Whether it's three items in your collection or 1,000; whether you collect items from Toy Story, Cars or any other Pixar movie, I'm interested in seeing it! 

Here's how Collector's Collections works:
  • Send me an email at (with a subject of "Collector's Collections")
  • Include 5-10 pictures (it can be more if you want :) of your Pixar collection 
  • Tell me your name and where you're from 
  • I'll post them here on this page for the world to see! 

FEBRUARY 12 2017- Rhys M.'s Collection
Today we have Rhys's collection all the way from Australia! This is fantastic. So many awesome pieces of merch! Rhys's favorite Pixar films are Inside Out and The Incredibles and he looks to obtain all of the "Art of" books in the future. It's a bit harder collecting Pixar there in AUS as their stores don't stock as much Pixar as the US—but he's proud of what he's come by so far. 

Keep up the great work Rhys and thanks so much for sharing! This is most definitely a collection to be proud of.  

 FEBRUARY 5 2017- Josh's Collection:
Josh from Southern California has sent me some pics of his epic Pixar collection! What an awesome array of collectibles including some very rare pieces. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty jealous of everyone here on this page who has the highly sought after squeak toy Wheezy, Medicom Rocky and Young Epoch Stinky Pete. Most impressive! Thanks so much for sending these photos over Josh— keep up the great work! 

MARCH 12 2016- Catherine's Mckisc's Collection:
Check out this HUGE collection of Toy Story toys, courtesy of Pixar mega fan Catherine Mckisc from Flower Mound Texas! That is amazing; so many unique and vintage items. Keep up the good work and thanks for sending this over to be featured

MARCH 6 2016- Sean Durrant's Collection:
All the way from West Sussex, England, here we have Sean Durrant's Toy Story collection! This looks phenomenal. Such a great way to display! I can tell he has a great eye for composition- love the pyramid effect. A big thanks to Sean for participating! Enjoy...

DECEMBER 10 2015- Haylee Strause's Collection: 
Haylee is a HUGE Toy Story/ Pixar enthusiast who hails from Ohio, USA. What a fantastic collection! John Lasseter himself would be proud. Very, very cool. Check it out below- and thanks so much for participating! 

JULY 31 2015- Robbie's Collection: 
Ok, how cool is this Cars collection? Man would I love to display mine like this! A big thanks to Robbie all the way from Germany for sending me these pics to share. Great work!

MARCH 8 2015- Claudia's Collection:
A big thanks to Claudia from Indonesia for sending me over some great pictures of her Pixar collection! It looks fantastic, keep it up!

MAY 13 2014- Yekta Alıç's Collection:
A very big thanks to Yekta for sending me pictures of his collection all the way from Istanbul! Yekta is a collector of Disney/Pixar, Smurfs, World of Warcraft, Star Wars and other toys and merch. A little bit about Yekta: "I am a guy with a childish soul. I am in love with interesting and characteristic toys ever since my first Happy Meal. I especially like figures with human forms or at least human like figures. Disney influenced my a lot, as I always went to see the movies with my mom when I was a child." Yekta found this blog by researching the MU roll a scare toys, which he had to get mostly on eBay since they only made five characters available over there in Istanbul. Thanks again for being a reader of the blog and participating, Yekta!

APRIL 18 2014- Jesus Rangel's Collection:
Today we have the first update to this page in 6 months, thanks to Jesus Rangel! Jesus is 14 years old (born on Christmas Day 1999, in fact) and hails from California. He says, "I like to craft and most of my Toy Story collection is store bought. I made Chuckles on my own and edited the Playskool Potato Heads. Same goes for Dolly and Peas in a Pod (Peaty,Peatrice,and Peanelope)." You're collection looks great and your customs are fantastic! Really well done. I especially like the "Partysaurus Rex" customs. Thanks again for participating in this page by sending your collection over. I hope you continue to enjoy my blog! If anyone else is interested in sharing their collection, please get involved by following the instructions above.

OCTOBER 16 2013- Gina Clark's Collection:
Happy Toy Story of Terror day! How appropriate that, since Jessie is the main character in tonight's Halloween special, we have a collector's collection update featuring the famous cowgirl herself! A huge thanks To Gina Clark-hailing all the way from London, England-for sending in her incredible Jessie collection! Check it out below: 

OCTOBER 15 2013- Zach Leahy's Collection :
A huge thanks to Zach here- He was the first one to contact me with info and pictures of his collection...and an awesome collection it is! He has some great stuff and some pretty rare things that I've yet to track down (such as a custom made Chuckles with interchangeable head, the Toy Story on Ice Wheezy and the Japan exclusive Stinky Pete replica). Take a look below:

For even more pictures of Zach's collection visit his Flickr page here: 

Please help me continue this feature by sending in pictures of your collection!


  1. Totally jealous of that Stinky Pete!

  2. I know right!? It's currently selling on Ebay for over 1000 bucks! No thanks : ) They have to make a mainstream one eventually don't they?? I'll just hold off...but yah totally jealous for now

  3. I'm zach! I was going to hold off on buying pete but I'm losing hope for another and he popped up for a good price.

    1. Ohh..didn't know "The Sheriff" was you on Twitter, Zach! Thanks again, your collection rocks!

  4. Its not i dont think lol I dont have twitter that Im aware of! But then gain...maybe I forgot it lol

    1. oh oops! I follow someone on Twitter that goes by the names "The Sheriff" and I thought it was you! My bad :)

  5. Whoa dude! That's a big collection! I have just read the pixar theory and now I'm even more into pixar than I was before! (Heres the theory if your interested =) ) Now I want to collect all of the movies and some toys along with them. I'm so exited and can't wait to start! =D

  6. Wow, where can I get a stinky oete or even a wheezy from? I need them in my LIFE!!!

  7. I found a Medicom Woody on Amazon that's really accurate. He is pricey though with a price of about 380 to 480 dollars. I'm not getting him but are you intrested?

  8. When are you going to add to Collectors Corner?

  9. watch toy story of terror
    On Link below
    Toy story of terror in HD

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