Sunday, May 19, 2019

Toy Story 4 PEZ Collection Review

toy story 4 pez

Toy Story 4 PEZ are here! I've been a pretty avid collector of Pixar related PEZ for about seven years now (see my PEZ label to the right of this page to explore) and was excited to see that a few new Toy Story designs were headed our way. Bo Peep is notably the newest here of these four (given that she's never been made in PEZ form), while Buzz, Woody and the alien are more retoolings of older releases. You can check out my original Toy Story PEZ post HERE (one of my very first posts on here ever).

In addition to these two collector sets, Woody, Buzz and Bo Peep have also been released individually (and can be found at stores like Five Below, CVS and other convenient/grocery stores). I opted to get these gift sets though so I could get the exclusive mini alien! The set with Buzz is the only way to get that one, so it only made sense.

Let's dive in to each of these further! Check out my detailed photos and additional thoughts below.

Woody is the exact same sculpt as the original, however his eyes have been repainted to look much more appealing (he looked a bit "dazed" in the initial release). Now his eyes are wide open instead of half shut. Bo, as mentioned, is brand new and looks great.

toy story 4 pez
toy story 4 pez

Buzz is also basically the same as the original, but this time he's sporting a white stem instead of a green one (he also has an updated, glossier paint job and his teeth are now painted in). As far as the alien, it's essentially the original head sculpt now on a mini stem—and the classic Pizza Planet icon has been added! I'm so glad they included that detail on this version. It's a really nice touch that was missing when the alien was first released in 2014.

toy story 4 pez
toy story 4 pez
toy story 4 pez

All in all, they all look fantastic; both the PEZ dispensers themselves and the packaging! Though I wish we had a couple more new characters (Ducky, Bunny and Duke Caboom), it's fun to at least have Bo and some of the old designs/characters refreshed for 2019.  I purchased these sets at the PEZ Factory/Visitor Center in the next town over from me (in Orange, CT—it's a pretty awesome place to visit and they have a huge shop) for $4.99 each. You can also find them on the official PEZ online shop, eBay using this direct link and Amazon using the affiliate links below.

Let me know all your thoughts down in the comments! 

NOTE: The art for these sets was directed by Keith Fulmis, lead designer at Disney Consumer Products for PEZ.

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