Monday, November 21, 2016

Finding Dory: Bath Squirters (Wave 2)

finding dory bath squirters

Clear back in May, Bandai toys released a fun collection of cute stylized Finding Dory bath squirters. Six characters were released in individual baggies (available at Walmart and Target stores) or you could get them in two separate 3-packs (available at Toys R Us stores). If you missed it, visit my full post on the initial six (Dory, Marlin, Destiny, Hank, Nemo and Mr. Ray) right HERE. I also reviewed the bath Hank playset (with exclusive Squirt bath squirter) which you can check out HERE.

Flash forward to now. Bandai has just released a second wave of bath squirters featuring three brand new characters: Bailey, Sea Otter and Little Dory (or Baby Dory...or perhaps Toddler Dory?). I stumbled upon these at my local Target just last week!

Once again, these adorable rubber squirters are about 3"- 4" in size and are perfect for the tub or pool (or really wherever water play is happening). Just dunk, squeeze, fill, squirt and repeat! Your little ones will have a blast with all their favorite characters from the film.

Let's take a closer look out of the bags! Note- these ones did not get any kind of multi-pack release. They are only available individually.


finding dory bath squirters bailey

 Sea Otter
finding dory bath squirters sea otter

Little Dory 
finding dory bath squirters baby dory
finding dory bath squirters baby dory

I was so excited to have finally found these. It's fun to have additional characters added to the original assortment! Now, including the exclusive Squirt bath squirter, there are 10 to collect total. Could there be more on the way? Time will certainty tell.

If you're interested, be sure to check your local stores for availability! Retail is $3.99 each.

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