Friday, January 13, 2017

Monsters Inc: Scream Canister Portable USB Charger

Monsters Inc. Scream Canister Portable USB Charger

As a pretty huge fan of Monsters Inc., this has got to be one of the coolest items I own. Here we have the Monsters Inc. inspired "scream can [canister]" USB portable charger (or "mobile battery"), sold exclusively in Japan! As you may know, it's very rare that I purchase any foreign products since there's just too much of it out there; but when I saw this, all bets were off. I absolutely needed this in my collection! A big thanks to my parents for hooking me up with this for Christmas.

Of course, the scream canisters in the film store the scream energy needed to power the monster world and this is modeled directly after them. Now whoever thought of taking that design and making a replica charger to help supply power to one's phone is just brilliant.

Monsters Inc. Scream Canister Portable USB Charger

This charger is 4" in size with the average price being around $55. Though the directions are completely written in Japanese (as well as just about everything on the package), this is a pretty self explanatory item (especially if you've owned a portable charger before).

Monsters Inc. Scream Canister Portable USB Charger

All you have to do to charge the scream can up for use is this: plug the small end of included USB cord into the canister and then plug the opposite side into some kind of USB wall outlet attachment (like the one you use when charging your iPhone) or computer. You will immediately see red lights in the center, illuminating one at a time (meaning the device is charging). Let charge for two to three hours or until all five red lights are glowing.

Your charger is now full of energy and is ready to take on the road! When needed, just plug your phone's USB cord directly into your phone and the can's USB outlet. Press the button on the side of the can to start the power flow.

Monsters Inc. Scream Canister Portable USB Charger
Monsters Inc. Scream Canister Portable USB Charger
Monsters Inc. Scream Canister Portable USB Charger

It even comes with seven stickers to decorate your canister with! There are also plenty of screen accurate details, such as the words "Max. Scream Capacity 8400 SUV" imprinted right on the can. Pretty neat stuff.

Monsters Inc. Scream Canister Portable USB Charger

This is not only an extremely cool looking item but it's very practical as well. I love my portable chargers in general, especially when I'm traveling (particularly in airports), at a convention or anywhere where it's difficult to find access to a wall outlet for charging. They always come in handy while I'm away, as I know I'll always drain my phone before the end of the day by continuously being on social media and taking endless pictures.

Lastly, here's a little video I took for my Instagram while the canister was charging up. Now you can see what I was referring to in action!

Remember, this item only ships from Japan— so if you're looking to add this to your Pixar collection, the most convenient way to pick this up is on eBay (visit this direct link to current listings).

For all you Monsters Inc./University fans out there, this might be a must have for you. Be sure to scream out your thoughts in the comments below!

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