For years now, exact replicas of some of Andy's crayon drawings (seen in his room in the original Toy Story) have been making their way around the net. They were first posted on the world famous Pixar Planet Forums and have been used by countless Toy Story fans who are trying to recreate the iconic room from the film.
Full credit (as well as a big thanks a shout out) goes to Pixar Planet Forum user "Toodles" who created and posted these replica drawings back in 2010!
Anyway, these are absolutely fantastic. They are the perfect final touch to any Toy Story themed room, birthday party or other event! And what's great is (besides being free), they're already sized to a normal [8"X10"] piece of printer paper; so all you have to do is save the JPEG images to your computer, open them in the default photo viewer (doesn't matter if it's a Mac or PC) and press print. Simple as that. I didn't have to make any sizing adjustments in Photoshop or anything.
Check out each "drawing" (with screen shot references of where they are in the film) below:
Andy's Room KEEP OUT
Woody on a Horse
To Infinity and Beyond
Buzz Lightyear
Mr. Potato Head WANTED
The detail on each image is super impressive (even down to the finger prints on Andy's Keep Out sign). Here's how they were made:
"I made them by first tracking down decent reference pictures of the originals. The first few were posted on here [Pixar Planet Forum] by other members, and the most recent ones I found myself. From there I just printed them out full-size and traced over the image using actual crayons. Then I scanned them back in and voila! Accurate replicas that are clean, crisp, and actually drawn with crayons."
Again, a huge thanks to "Toodles" for creating them and making them so easily accessible for all us fans to use! What a cool process.
Here are mine all printed out! Perfect right? Note: my printed WANTED picture will be shown here soon in a future update.
UPDATE 4/12/16-
As promised, here is the Potato Head WANTED poster printed out. I couldn't post it here without the full effect- so I went ahead and made a complete replica of the box building it's tacked onto in the film!
First, I went to several stores around town yesterday looking for the perfect size cardboard box (it also had to be unmarked- a lot of moving/shipping boxes have text or logos on them). While the one I found (ended up up finding it at the UPS store) isn't the exact dimensions seen in the film, it's really close. It was the closest I could find (it's only about 2 inches too wide, but the more square boxes weren't wide enough; however it's the perfect height).
I then looked at my screen shot from the film and meticulously free handed the windows as best I could with pencil (while also trying to capture all of Andy's "mistakes"). Finally, I went over it with green and black crayons, added the screen accurate yellow tacks and curled the bottom left corner up just a little- and there you go! I might tweak it some more, but I don't want to mess with it too much. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
If you're looking to get really crafty and would like to recreate all the cardboard western town buildings seen in Andy's room, I took the screen shots below to [hopefully] make that process easier! Now you don't have to go back and try to pause the movie for each one.
There are six main buildings that are clearly visible: the one with the WANTED sign (seen above), the saloon, the bank, the general store, the "skool" and the hotel. Check 'em out-
General Store
General Store and Bank (side and back views with cows)
"Skool" amd hotel
Best of luck! If you're gonna take on the cardboard building project, I would love to see them when they're done. Or if you've already completed them, shoot me an email with the images! I love to see what other Toy Story fans are able to achieve.
Check back here tomorrow for part 2!
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