Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Incredibles 2: Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

Ready for another one of my long delayed posts? I got one for you right here! I'm excited to finally share with you WAVE 2 of the 2018 Incredibles 2 basic 4" figure line by Jakks Pacific. If you missed my write-up on the first wave, be sure to check it out HERE. This second wave had a much more limited distribution compared to the first and was a bit lesser known. I only ever found two of the five figures here at the store; the rest I had to track down on eBay and Amazon over several months. This wave includes an Edna Mode & Fire Jack-Jack 2-Pack, The Underminer (with microphone), Elastigirl (new super suite; with stretch arm and goggles), Screenslaver (with laptop and electroshock weapon) and Mr. Incredible (blue super suite).

Each figure is about 4" tall or under, has five points of articulation (arms, legs and head; Mr. Incredible is the only exception as he has seven points—the two additional points are at his elbows) and retailed for $7.99. I originally spotted some of this wave at Target, but they may have also hit some other stores as well.

Let's take a closer look at each one down below! All of these characters look really great. I have no complaints with the overall sculpts/likenesses or paint. Really my only issue is with Edna and Jack-Jack (which is the same complaint I had with Violet from Wave 1)—they do NOT stand up. Edna is top heavy with rubbery legs, which was an odd choice of material. Jack-Jack also won't stand, not even for a second. One of my biggest pet peeves with any action figure line is when they don't stand well on their own. I wish these at least came with stands, but no. Not even peg holes on the bottoms of their feet. Luckily all the other figures in this wave stand just fine on their own, so that's a plus. Anyway, that's only negative remark!

Edna Mode & Fire Jack-Jack
Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

The Underminer just may be my favorite here in this series! I just really like his look and he's just a solid figure all around (and he stands up really well on his own ;).

The Underminer
Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

I wanted to note that both Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible seem to be the exact same sculpts as their Wave 1 counterparts, just with new paint/different outfits. Once again, I really like Elastigirl's stretch arm accessory! The screen slaver goggles were a nice addition this time around as well.   

Elastigirl (with Goggles)
Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

Screeslaver looks particularly cool. I really dig his laptop accessory with the hypnotism graphic on the screen. It can also fold like an actual laptop.

Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

Mr. Incredible (Blue Super Suite)
Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review
Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

And did you know there was going to be a WAVE 3 with Screech, Reflux and Frozone with Ice Blast? Unfortunately they were cancelled. A huge bummer since we were finally getting into the more unique Incredibles 2 specific characters! I got the images below from an Amazon listing, but they were never available to purchase.

incredibles 2 wave 3 screech figure
incredibles 2 wave 3 reflux figure
incredibles 2 wave 3 frozone figure

Well that about wraps it up! In the end, this is another super collection of basic poseable action figures. As shown in my pic below, you can see they look awesome all together. Though I expressed a couple small problems, I can still totally recommend these as really decent figures! Jakks Pacific really did a good job. I'm a sucker for small scale figure collections like this anyway, so I always knew these would be a must-get for me as soon as I saw them revealed at Toy Fair back in early 2018. I'm happy that, between the two waves, I was able to complete this whole line!

At this point, you can track these down on eBay or Amazon using the links below if you looking to add any to your Incredibles 2 collection. Let me know all your thoughts and/or any questions you might have down in the comments!

Incredibles 2 Jakks Pacific 4" Action Figure Collection WAVE 2 Review

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