Sunday, September 8, 2013

Monsters University: Roll a Scare Bus

Here's a fun little addition to the "Roll a Scare" line...the Monsters University bus with exclusive Mike with MU hat! I assume this is supposed to resemble the bus that drops Mike off at MU at the beginning of the film. I got this one as it seems to be cannon with the movie, but there are also four other little vehicles out there (called "roll a scare ridez" that include Mike, Sulley, Randy and Johnny). I didn't get them because I didn't feel the need to get the characters over again with cars that are pretty much totally made up.

The roll a scare figures (see my full post HERE) ride in this bus and, as you push it along, the magnet under the drivers seat bobs up and down so you never no when the character will POP open! Also includes other magnet "hot spots" in the main part of the bus. Pretty fun little vehicle accessory addition to an already fun line of toys from Spin Master.This item is still easily found at stores, so go get it while you have the chance if you're a fan of these roll a scare figures like me!

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